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Anthony's First Birthday!!

Anthony had a wonderful first birthday this past summer!!  I think we all silently celebrated within ourselves that we had overcome a year of nervousness and happiness all combined into one. 

Anthony began his day with an "ELMO" cake and proceeded to dig both hands right in and take a taste.  With a little help from mom the candle was blown out and the party was underway.  Family and friends gathered enjoying good music, food, a swimming pool and trampoline for the kids, as well as exciting conversation.  We are pretty traditional, and with a July birthday, the weather permitted for a good ole barbecue.  At night's end, Anthony was tucked in tightly and recieved many wishes for an even easier next year. 

Anthony's first birthday, ahhhhh, what can I say?  Except Thank You God, I will cherish every moment, every hour,day even year.....

                                      Thanks Everybody!!  Pictures to come soon!!


Anthony's First Vacation!!

Anthony and I (mom) traveled for Labor Day weekend to Augusta , Georgia for our very first Family Reunion. 

We were given the chance to visit with distant relatives and engage in conversation and activity which I think brought us all closer. 

Anthony was a popular little guy just because he has my eyes...hehe

At the reunion we had relatives from Maryland,Virginia,Wisconsin,Georgia,and even from Iraq via internet.  We missed those who could not join us .

At the reunion I was given the opportunity to present to my relatives a detailed poster stating all of Anthony's defects , procedures and planned treatment.  I was able to personally explain to family members the importance of Heart Disease awarness especially now since it has occured in our family.  I think that each relative ranging from their 70's to their teens will be able to carry with them the term "Heart Disease" for their extended family as it is so very important to be aware of genetic re-occurences. 

I also presented my family with a collage of  various pictures of our entire family.



Anthony's first trick-or-treating experience was definitely eventful.  We gathered our dog Buddy and ventured out by grandma Terri's house to begin the adventure. 

Anthony resembling Wisconsin's own Brett Favre gained alot of fans as we (The GreenBay Packers) won our game that afternoon.  Believing that next year will be more eventful as Anthony gets older we still had a great time and enjoyed conversating with our local community.






As the day began with putting a 23 pound turkey in the oven, family gathered for conversation and football activity.

Anthony was off to grandma's house with Dad to visit with extended family.  Needless to say, having teeth this year was on his side.  Anthony seems to be a fan of turkey and mashed potatoes.!!!



Upcoming Christmas 2004!!!